Good copywriting is a bridge…

inviting your audience to cross from the comfort of their world into the unknown. It must be sound. They are ready to scramble back to safety at the first breach of trust, a wobbly plank or dangling participle. It must be beautiful, enticing them on with bright flashes of iridescent description. It must attract specific travelers and be custom constructed with just the right word choice, sentence fluency, and voice to meet their needs. Most importantly, it must offer a clear view of the other side, the sunlit meadow of solution that set them on their journey in the first place. Crafting such a wonder requires a special set of tools: education, experience, creativity, relatability, research, problem solving, simultaneous attention to detail while comprehending the big picture, and that characteristic ability of the artist to see the masterpiece in the raw medium; to be single minded in the obsession to set it free.



Mindi Leatham

I have a BA in English and over 20 years of professional writing experience. I've worked in public relations, marketing, on magazine staff, and as a freelancer for clients including San Diego Magazine, Harrah's, and 76 Lubricants. I've also developed curriculum for a nonprofit promoting culture for inner city elementary students and workshops taught at Michaels Arts and Crafts.


Copywriting & Content Marketing

I'm experienced with Naming Products/Companies, Social Media, Websites, Mission Statements, Training Guides, How To's, Blogs, Newsletters, Advertisements, Packaging, Catalogs, Guides, Brochures, Articles, Essays, Press Releases, Case Studies, Brand Communication/Guidelines, Product Slogans, and more. I’m adept at adapting my writing style to fit the heart and soul of your brand.


I can polish your final draft with some light-handed, technical fixes or, in addition to standard proofreading, delve deeper and offer a critique. This service is recommended for works such as self published books and resumes.


I love working with people to write documents with great meaning in their personal lives, like Adoptive Family Profiles that help birthmothers visualize true, wonderful lives for their unborn babies and individualized Wedding Ceremonies. Through interview and joint brainstorming, I can help with unique, heartfelt Wedding Vows, Invitations, Cards, and more.


The broad spectrum of subjects I’ve covered spans from old-world rug making techniques to cutting-edge genetic engineering. Featured in the following samples are magazine articles, artist profiles, press releases, and website content across diverse fields. I’m particularly interested in writing about people, travel, culture, and lifestyle. My goal is to engage with audiences deeply through compelling storytelling.


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